Data and AI Camp
Unlearn the blockers and start co-creating on shaping socio-technical Data-AI-Ready ways of working and organising autonomous teams.
Peter Drucker observed that “If you want to start something new, you have to stop doing something old”. Our Data & AI Camps offer you guided and accelerated unlearning for a better sequence for Data & AI Adoption Journeys.
- 3-day Think Tank Experience for Data-AI Change Mgmt Task Force roles.
- Room for slow thinking about important issues.
- Toolbox for identifying organisational blind spots.
- Data-AI-Ready organisation principles, operating model methods and practices.
Join as an individual or as a cross-functional task force team
- Platform, technology, data leaders
- Transformation leaders
- Business leaders
Deep Dive on Data AI Camp Problem Framing
Peter Drucker observed that “If you want to start something new, you have to stop doing something old”. Herbert Simon has observed that the most precious resource in organisations is SLACK—room for slow thinking, room to change and to grow. Daniel Kahneman’s principle of What You See Is All There Is means that fast thinking is inevitably business suicide. In the racing world, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. The only way to create SLACK is to clean out the cruft that eats your bandwidth. Data-AI-Readiness—the DAIR of DAIRDUX—is about unlearning outdated ideas, methods, and practices that are holding you back.
The second key problem is that for us as humans to change our ways and ideas….We need to be in a receptive state. We need to be in the right settings to allow ourselves tunlearn. To let go of old heuristics and make space for new. A well designed camp must be devised to put us in this state. By sharing experiences and maybe learning or trying something new outside our corporate space we can use this mindset and bring this with us into our more serious topics
In the age of data and AI poorly crafted ideas and change without deliberate shape and sequencing is becomming a high stakes game. To not act with decisiveness and speed or to act carelessly are both non-viable options. This is why we need to carve out a space in our calendars. The camp format is enabling this. To be able to slow down to think in the most effective way.
Our Data & AI Camps offer you guided and accelerated unlearning—the DUX of DAIRDUX. The path to adopt new and better ways of doing Data & AI work into your operations is straight but steep: uncover your organisational blind spots, root them out, and leave the old ways behind. The sociotechnics of Data & AI are difficult enough on their own—you don’t want your legacy be dead weight on your path to the future.
With our Data AI camps we tailor an environment with an agenda of activities, discussions, a toolbox to use, and experts that allows you to get clarity and debate at an accelerated pace. This can be done tailored for one specific organisation OR it can be done with a group of peers from different organisation that values outside perspectives form other peers.
The Data-Ai Camp - How it is organised
The camps are develop based on modules. There are foundational modulas oriented around key themes relevant for all roles shaping and delivering in an AI adoption journey. in the age of AI.
The camps are develop based on modules. There are foundational modulas oriented around key themes relevant for all roles shaping and delivering in an AI adoption journey. in the age of AI.:
Examples of foundational modules:
- Leading and Communication change and new ideas
- Agent Based Organisation – Be ready for the socio-technics of a distributed ecosystem world of data and AI.
- Productisation
- Adoption
- Portfolio managemnt for a Data-AI adoption journey
Then they go deep into, metods, patterns and practices relavent for three key perspecticves:
The Indivduals joining typically needs a shared foundational toll box for other in a cross diciplinary team and then a more deep, practical toolbox in the areas of their more deep expertise that comes with their specific role.