Clinic on Data & AI Adoption
For steering groups, project managers, intrapreneurs, and decision-makers

Clinic on Data & AI Adoption
For steering groups, project managers, intrapreneurs, and decision-makers

What is this clinic about?
This clinic examines what decision-makers should prioritise to achieve business adoption of Data & AI initiatives
Why is this important?
Because the shortest path to value for Data & AI initiatives begins with business adoption — an organisational blind spot for the vast majority of AI-investments.
Learn with Dairdux
The biggest Data & AI project risk is lack of business adoption
If the business units cannot integrate the usage of project outputs with their ways of working, the project investment goes to waste. Trying to salvage a failed project risks wasting even more resources. A forced roll-out to the operational units will at best result in a minimum-effort response from them. At worst, the result is active sabotage.
Adoption-centered governance for Data & AI initiatives
Learn how to center your governance and decision-making for Data & AI projects and investments on business unit adoption of project output usage.
The case for adoption-centered governance:
Increase returns on Data & AI investments
⇨ Identify non-viable projects early (“fail fast and cheap”)
⇨ Accelerate project flow and shorten time-to-value.
⇨ Turn projects into business practices that sustain improvements
Who is this for?
Are you a decision-maker on the developer, user (adopter), or manager side of Data & AI initiatives? Welcome to our clinic! It is tailored to…
People in:
- steering groups
- the PMO
- the Biz
- or IT
People who:
- make investment decisions about Data & AI initiatives
- make project decisions in Data & AI initiatives
- drive or intrapreneur in Data & AI initiatives
- hold a stake in (or are caught in the “blast radius” of) Data & AI initiatives
Do you aspire to make a difference in or with Data & AI? This clinic is for you!
Benifits for you
Strengthen your ability to make a difference to your operations with Data & AI
While Data & AI can be transformative, it’s just technology — tools to be shaped and used by the agents of change that institute new ways of working and of doing business. Without you to champion the right decisions and commitments at the right time to drive adoption, nothing happens.
Getting Data & AI adopted into operation without becoming innovation theatre, without ending in disappointment, is hard. The sheer complexity and stress of successfully navigating Data & AI transformation can be overwhelming and paralysing.
This clinic resolves complexity into an actionable sequence of bite-size adoption events. It sharpens your focus on what matters and on what works.
It helps you:
- Identify and act on blockers, bottle-necks, and blind spots for Biz adoption of your Data & AI initiatives
- Grow your toolbox and level up your personal Data-AI-Readiness (DAIR)
- Grow your confidence and effectiveness as a DAIR leader, intrapreneur, and champion of change
- Strengthen your sense of direction and expand your comfort zone
- Reduce your cognitive load and feelings of inadequacy
Problem framing
Data & AI can 10X productivity only if Data & AI usages are adopted into operations
The last mile of analytics is the gap between great analytic output and actual changed behaviour that creates value in the enterprise. There are many examples of where great, leading-edge analytics don’t generate value, because you don’t contemplate the last mile. And when it’s done right, you begin with that last mile in mind.
“The Last Mile of Analytics” by Chris Brahm (2017), Advanced Analytics Lead at Bain & Co
Most Data & AI projects fail to achieve and sustain business improvements — regardless of the quality of the analytics. It’s not about Data & AI know-how — your data engineers, data scientists, and AI developers are not the problem. Most Data & AI projects fail because of the gap between analytic output and new value-creating behaviours. The last-mile gap is a blind spot for the vast majority of companies. They do not have governance practices that places business adoption front-and-center in their Data & AI investments and projects.
Data is driving substantial amounts of business innovation. However, the ultimate value from data comes when people use it in decisions and actions.
Data and Analytics Leadership Annual Executive Survey 2023 from Wavestone
Data & AI holds the promise to 10X productivity
No tool can create value by itself. People using Data & AI in their decision-making and action-taking creates value. A Data & AI project can enable their value creation, but only if its outputs are useful to the Biz units and adoptable in their operations. Otherwise, it will not 10X anything.
To put it boldly, the purpose of Data & AI is to boost unit ops. A company is Data-AI-Ready only to the extent that its ways of working serves this purpose. The core problem is making Biz adoption of Data & AI actionable, turning it into something we can do:
- Chunk the Data & AI project into a sequence of adoption events that takes the shortest path to value
- Decompose abstract symptoms and complex issues into priorities, decisions, and work packages with high cohesion and low coupling to other packages
- Encode adoption-centered priorities and practices into your governance and management of Data & AI initiatives (including booster unit operations).
Grow your toolbox
This clinic equips decision-makers and project leaders with tools, operational methods and artifacts.
• Take Biz adoption of Data & AI usages from being a blind spot (something the org is functionally stupid about) to a
project risk that is taken seriously.
• Take adoption from a risk to an operational fact, a core part of normal operation and an asset in the company’s
intellectual capital.
You will gain the following seven tools to help you master adoption-centered governance of Data & AI initiatives.
1. Communcation tool. This clinic offers a common language and vocabulary, shared semantics and mental models. This allows you to describe and discuss why adoption remains a challenge, how you address the issue, and what you can do about it. You cannot put Biz adoption of Data & AI usages on the agenda if you lack the concepts to address the blind spots, their context, the challenges involved, and possible solutions.
2. Path-to-value sequence. Biz adoption of Data & AI hinges on Biz unit commitment to change — the very backbone of project decisions. Most Data & AI projects fail because they are blind to Biz unit desire and capacity to change their ways of working. This clinic offers a sequence that attaches to and aligns with their journey: their decisions to search for, pilot, invest in, and, lastly, adopt a Data & AI usage as their new normal.
3. Agents-of-change map. New ways of working must be embodied in actual operation by named agents. Otherwise, there is no adoption of anything. This clinic allows you to map and engage the specific agents impacted by a Data & AI project. Every agent missed is a potential point of project failure.
4. Co-creation blueprint. Most companies have a division of labour that makes it difficult for agents to collaborate across unit boundaries. Biz adoption of a Data & AI usage is a team effort. This clinic offers a blueprint for cross- functional teams with enough autonomy and mastery to iteratively co-create something useful and adoptable with and for the Biz units.
Content and agenda
We have chunked the clinic into seven modules. Each module is a small workshop where we first present models and methods. Second, we put them into practice.
Introduction to Biz adoption of Data & AI usages into unit operations.
Module 1
Uncover blind spots and the project risks that hide there!
30 mins
Module 3
Make Biz commitments the backbone of project decisions.
45 mins
Module 4
First blind spot: cross-functional co-creation.
60 mins
Module 5
Second blind spot: committed agents of change.
60 mins
Module 6
Third blind spot: sequencing of adoption events.
60 mins
Module 7
Implement adoption-centered governance in projects!
60 mins
DAIRDUX — the Data & AI Adoption company
We shape, source, and boost your Data & AI initiatives, on project or portfolio level.
The shortest path to value for Data & AI initiatives begins with business adoption. Adoption is the quantum of innovation. The smallest possible unit of innovation is a single adoption event. Our business is microinnovation — the co-creation of Data & AI usages for operative units to adopt, one iteration at a time.
We and the Dairdux Consortium help you make your operations Data-AI-Ready.
Dux means guide or leader in latin, by the way.
Operative practices that work
Dairdux helps you navigate the right decisions to make and actions to take, with models that explain how and why it works
From the school of hard knocks
We have learned our lessons from decades of Data & AI failures and battle-scars across multiple industries
With models built on science
Our models and multi-disciplinary research on (blind spots for) Data & AI adoption stand on the shoulders of scientific giants

Henrik Göthberg
Founder & CEO | Dairdux

Mikael Klingvall
Head of research | Dairdux
Sign up now!
Clinic details
Scope: 8 hours, inc. lunch, morning and afternoon coffee
Date: May 29th
Location: Hyperight Data Club, Tegnérgatan 14, Stockholm
Event mode: Onsite
Language: English
After clinic mingle: Included
Fee: €100